Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Long Nights!

As many of you know that having a new baby comes with very long nights ahead of you. There are some days that I would love my husband to do all the work but, this is not serving him in a positive way. I love all my children very much and feel blessed to have healthy kids. When you think about it before you know it, all your children will be grown and gone. Now that is a day that I do not want to think about. So the moral of this story is sleep will come soon and you will be sleeping more than you want.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I'm so honored to be your first commenter! I love you sweet friend, keep the thoughts coming. You'll find that it's theraputic to write them down, even if no one reads them (but you know I'll read them:)). And on a sleep note of hope, Sawyer slept from 10:00pm to 4:30am last night! That's two nights in a row with no 1:00am feeding! I'm not going to hold my breath for it to stick, but it sure is nice to get a little more rest. You are right, we will get there and some day, we'll be waking up sleepy teens for school, emagine that!
Love, Sarah